










 ookla privacy policy (English)
 When conducting a test through Speedtest or Sensorly on any device or platform, we collect: (a) the test results; (b) non-precise information about the approximate physical location of your computer or device-derived from GeoIP Data and/or Precise Location Data (if your mobile device settings allow it); and (c) Other Information, including, but not limited to, the IP address, the ISP, college or organization that operates the network you test, and network, hardware and device identifiers such as your SSID or IMEI (if the test is conducted on a smartphone). If you install Speedtest or Sensorly on your smartphone or other mobile device, Ookla may collect your Precise Location Data, both while you are running a test and when the application is not actively in use but is running in the background on your device. If you install the Speedtest extension on your web browser, in addition to allowing you to run a test of your internet speed, the extension uses our Web Speed feature, which measures the load time for a particular website and allows you to measure how long it takes for a particular website to load. Through the Web Speed feature, we collect page load metrics for the websites you visit, including page URLs, load times, and GeoIP Data. Web Speed does analyze your IP address when you run a test to ascertain the approximate location of your device, but the IP addresses analyzed by Web Speed are not retained by Ookla and are deleted automatically after the test is completed. Note, however, that we also combine this information with recent Speedtest information collected from the same device.